If God can mourn as His judgment falls on the wicked Moabites, then I must learn to care just as deeply for those around me. Today I choose to let my heart rejoice, celebrate, mourn, grieve, and ‘feel’ for those around me–instead of reducing my...
Instead of telling God how to be God…I must bring my prayers to Him with an open hand: “God, here’s the situation. It’s out of my control, but I know you are sovereign. I’m inviting you into the mess, and I’m asking you to resolve...
The less-than-flattering parts of my journey are precisely the moments when God’s goodness and faithfulness are most clearly seen. I want God to be glorified by my life: Not just the great parts, but all of it! ================================= Scripture Psalm...
The things that I receive from God are not merely a ‘benefits package’ for my own exclusive enjoyment: He has entrusted these things to me so that others would also come to know him. =========================== Scripture Isaiah 60:1 – “Arise,...
I must be mindful to seek alignment with God’s ways, instead of merely asking Him to bless me. Today I choose full surrender: I want to fully yield to Him and fully seek Him, so that He can fully bless me. ================================== Scripture...