Boldness and Restraint

Boldness and Restraint

Whether in boldness or restraint, Paul’s objective was that people experience more of God–and he didn’t let his own ego and desire to be ‘right’, derail what God was wanting to accomplish. ================================ Scripture Acts...
I’m Conflicted!

I’m Conflicted!

How do I react when conflict happens? Some things are worth disagreeing over, but how does it affect my heart? Do I let it come between me and God, or derail me from the mission? Instead, I must keep my heart right before God and keep walking forward....
In Sync

In Sync

I must pay close attention to what God is doing. Is he moving forward? Is he remaining still for a time? My life must be so closely connected to his heart, that his steps become my own. When I do that, I can navigate even the hostile wilderness with...
My Chosen Portion

My Chosen Portion

Though life presents many tempting and attractive options, I know that the Lord is the only one who will never fail me or let me down. Over and over he has proven himself faithful and trustworthy. Over and over he has shown his love and mercy. Over and over he has...
Here am I

Here am I

The Levites were chosen and ordained by God to holy service not because they were the most skilled, the most highly qualified, or the smartest. They were ordained for one simple reason: When push came to shove, they chose to stand on the side of Godliness and truth....