Doing the right things with the wrong attitude is not pleasing to God–my heart must complement what my hands are doing.

1 Peter 4:9
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”
God cares about the way we treat each other–hospitality is what he expects from his people. But not grudging, grumbling hospitality! God wants his people to serve, love, and honor each other with the right heart and attitude.
Such a short verse, but what a heart-check! God is not merely interested in what I ‘do’…he cares about the attitude and heart I have, in doing the things I do. Doing the right things with the wrong attitude is not pleasing to him–my heart must complement what my hands are doing.
God, thank you for this heart-check! Help me to keep my heart right before you, and not try to merely perform a list of the ‘right actions’ with a stinking attitude. May my attitude and my actions both be in alignment with you!

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