None of us can benefit God, and there is nothing that he could gain from us–yet he loves us anyway! This is how he wants me to see people–through spirit-eyes, valuing people for their intrinsic worth as human beings, made in the image of God.
2 Corinthians 5:16-18
“From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;” 
Before we belonged to Christ, we did not value him fully or understand his worth. We saw him through carnal eyes, and a carnal perspective. Now that we belong to him, our perspective has changed and we see him for who he is. In the same way, he has changed our perspective of those around us. We are no longer to see people merely through our physical eyes, but rather we are to perceive the worth of people through Spirit-eyes, valuing and loving them the way that Christ does–so that lost souls would be reconciled to God. 
Just as Christ has changed the way that I see and value the things of the Spirit, I must be willing to let him change my perspective of those who are made in his image. Through my physical/carnal eyes, I often see people based on how they have affected my life or how they can affect me. I see how people have helped me or hurt me. I see how people would be able to benefit me, or how they would not be able to affect my situation.
Christ doesn’t see people this way. We have all hurt him by rejecting his love and presence at some point. None of us can benefit him, and there is nothing that he could gain from us–yet he loves us anyway! This is how he wants me to see people–through spirit-eyes, valuing people for their intrinsic worth as human beings, made in the image of God.
When I see people this way I am able to let God’s love flow through me to them, offering them the same reconciliation with the Father that I have experienced.
This week, I need to be mindful to see people with God’s perspective–valued, loved, and worth pursuing…no matter how broken.
God, thank you for loving me! Thank you for demonstrating your love for me, though there is nothing that I could do to benefit you or contribute to you. Help me to see people through your eyes, to love them the way that you love me. Help me to allow your love to flow through me, so that others could experience the same reconciliation that you have extended to me. 
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