Christ has given me agency in adversity. He’s given me the freedom and power to walk in victory, even when I’m being wronged.

 1 Corinthians 6:7
“The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?”
God is grieved when he sees fighting, bickering, and warring within his body. Paul told the church at Corinth that their incessant striving to “win” showed that they had already lost. Instead, he shows that there is a victory to be found in “being wronged”, and in “being cheated”. Instead of playing the part of the victim, he instructed them to walk as a victor–even through adversity. This kind of internal spiritual victory cannot be taken by anyone else. 
I hate losing. I hate being wronged. I hate coming out on the short end of the deal. It’s easy for me to be consumed by trying to “win” when I feel this way. This scripture reminds me though, that there is a greater conflict at stake–the battle in my heart. If I win the argument at the expense of the unity of the body, then I’ve truly already lost the fight that matters. Instead, Christ has given me agency in adversity. He’s given me the freedom and power to walk in victory, even when I’m being wronged.
In Christ, I am a victor–never a victim. 
God, thank you for this reminder not to get distracted or derailed by surface-level conflict…because there is a greater conflict daily being waged for my heart. Thank you for the freedom you’ve given me to walk in victory, even when it would be easy to portray myself as a victim. May you be glorified in me, through every season and situation I face.

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