How do I interact with those around me? Do I settle for shallow praise and flattery, or do I ‘confirm’ people in their calling? When I leave, do people feel challenged, encouraged, and strengthened…or criticized and discouraged?
Daniel 11:1
“As for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him.”
This angel of God ministered to king Darius on God’s behalf, by confirming and strengthening him. There were specific things he needed as king. God knew the need, and supplied the need.
People sometimes act oddly around authority. The conversations often turn to flattery or criticism, and people sometimes begin maneuvering and manipulating to get the things they want.
God knew that Darius needed none of this–rather he needed confirmation, and strength. Undoubtedly there were mistakes and even sins in his life which God could not endorse, but God confirmed him as a leader regardless.
How do I interact with those around me? Do I settle for shallow praise and flattery, or do I ‘confirm’ people in their calling? When I leave, do people feel challenged, encouraged, and strengthened…or criticized and discouraged?
Today I choose to learn how to speak with the heart of God. Not with shallow and self-serving flattery, nor yet with harsh criticisms…but with honest truth which confirms the calling of God on people’s lives and leaves them strengthened from having been around me.
God, thank you for your confirmation and strength in my life! Help me to carry that same heart in my speech and interactions, so that others would be strengthened and elevated from having spent time with me.
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