Kingdom leadership requires daily investment from my heart. It requires me to wake up each morning, relying on guidance from God’s word to inspire me and keep my own heart in check, and it requires me to listen closely to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.
1 Peter 5:2-3
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
I love this succinct description of Kingdom leadership! A kingdom leader is to be a shepherd–not merely a project manager. A kingdom leader is to serve with a willing heart, not out of a misguided sense of obligation. A kingdom leader is to serve for something greater than mere financial compensation and personal gain. A kingdom leader is not to be domineering to those under their care. And lastly, a kingdom leader must lead by example.
This description of true Kingdom leadership makes me excited to serve, because it carries such power for accomplishing great things. Who wouldn’t want to be part of a team that functions like this! But at the same time, these verses carry a challenge in them. This way of leading can’t be put on autopilot. It can’t be faked, it can’t be done casually. It can’t be fulfilled by merely going through the motions of what worked in the last season.
Instead, it requires daily investment from my heart. It requires me to wake up each morning, relying on guidance from God’s word to inspire me and keep my own heart in check, and it requires me to listen closely to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.
Today I choose to cultivate this kind of heart, so that God could use me as He would see fit.
Thank you God for the wisdom that I find in your word! It is always timely, always on-target, and always beneficial! Help me to take these principles to heart this week, so that I could lead and serve in a way which honors you, values the mission, and values those under my care.
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