When I take the time to look at the enemy that God defeated on my behalf yesterday, it gives me faith to stand strong knowing that my Savior’s strength is no less today than it was yesterday.




Isaiah 14:16-17

16 Those who see you will stare at you and ponder over you: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, 17 who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who did not let his prisoners go home?’


What a fearsome judgement is pronounced here over Babylon, and against those who set themselves against God’s sovereignty! When God’s judgement is complete, people’s reaction will be “Is this the same guy?! Is this the one who seemed so terrifying, who seemed so strong? What happened to him?!”


There are obstacles and enemies I’ve faced, which are insurmountable and unbeatable. There are problems I’ve encountered which I simply have no ability to solve–and it’s easy in those moments to let my heart become shaken by the size of the issue I face. But when I look back at the unbeatable enemies of yesterday, my consistent reaction is the same as what I read in Isaiah 14. “Is THAT the enemy I was so scared of?! Is THAT the problem that had me so worried?! Is THAT the storm that I wasn’t sure I could survive?!”

I face no fewer obstacles today–but when I take the time to look at the enemy that God defeated on my behalf yesterday, it gives me faith to stand strong knowing that my Savior’s strength is no less today than it was yesterday.

Today I’m taking the time to look some of my old enemies in the eye, and remind myself of the sovereignty of my victorious God.


God, thank you for this reminder of your faithfulness and your sufficiency. Thank you for fighting my battles, and for bringing me through every crisis and trial which I’ve faced. You are amazing! Thank you for reminding me of the victories you’ve already won, and I choose to trust that you will bring me safely through today’s challenges as I continue to follow you.


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