Heaven’s conspiracy is one of joy and hope: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…” Today I choose to focus my attention on heaven’s conspiracy theory, and let my heart by ruled by the fear of God.




Isaiah 8:11-13

“For the Lord spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”


The nation was in turmoil, and judgement was coming. Conspiracies, rumors, and fears were swirling–yet God’s command to his people was, “Stop worrying about the latest conspiracy, and stop getting wrapped up in the things that everyone else fears!” They were so distracted fearing all the things around them, that they had forgotten to walk in the fear of the Lord.


What a timely message! Our world is full of conspiracy theories to occupy every group and segment of the community. Society feeds on fear, and fear seems to be the preferred motivational tool for many leaders.

But what is worth fearing? What conspiracies are worth allowing to weigh on my mind? This passage reminds me that living in fear of temporary issues and problems will not help my eternal future. Instead I must daily fix my attention on the King of kings with reverent awe and respectful fear. The condition and state of my heart cannot be dictated by society’s conspiracy of the week! God alone holds my eternal future–and just a few verses later, he gives me a completely different conspiracy…but this conspiracy is one of joy and hope:

Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…”

Today I choose to focus my attention on heaven’s conspiracy theory, and let my heart by ruled by the fear of God.


God, thank you for being higher, greater, deeper, and truer than anything of this earth. Thank you for your grand conspiracy to save and redeem mankind! I choose today to focus my attention on you, instead of allowing my peace to be shaken by every new danger and conspiracy in the headlines.


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