My job isn’t to stress about the future, but simply to be obedient in the ‘now’…and trust that God is putting the pieces in place today, to fulfill a divine plan in my tomorrow.




Micah 5:2

“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from old, from ancient days.”


What a beautiful prophecy of the coming Messiah! This verse, penned by the prophet Micah, is the same passage which later guided the wise men as they traveled to worship the newborn king in the manger. As Micah wrote to confront the sin and wickedness of the people, I wonder if he had any idea just how far-reaching an impact his message would have. Though he was dealing with the present issue, God was using him to speak into a God-sized future.


I exist in the present…and most of my attention is consumed by simply navigating the present in the best way that I can. But like a chess master lining up the pieces for a checkmate 15 moves ahead, God is sovereignly operating in the present to accomplish His plan in the future. My job isn’t to stress about the future, but simply to be obedient in the ‘now’…and trust that God is putting the pieces in place today to fulfill a divine plan in my tomorrow.


God, thank you that you hold my tomorrow! I trust that you are putting the right pieces in place today, to fulfill your will through me. I choose to be obedient event when I can’t see the final outcome.


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