God is interested in more than just my victory today: He wants me to learn that true victory is found only in him, and not in my accumulation of resources, wealth, influence, and power.




Micah 5:9-10

“Your hand shall be lifted up over your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off. And in that day, declares the Lord, I will cut off your horses from among you and will destroy your chariots.


Deliverance. Salvation. Victory. We want all of these things! And this chapter promises them to the people of God. But then God continues: “I’ll defeat your enemies, and conquer your oppressor! …and I’ll take away your military might, and the resources in which you’ve been trusting.” God was going to save them, but he wanted no doubt in their minds: Their victory was from God, not from their own ability and resources.


Micah’s word from God must have caused a swirl of emotions for his listeners. “Victory! Yay! …and no more chariots?! What on earth, God! Don’t you know we need those?!”

Like the Israelites, I love experiencing divine victory…but also like the Israelites, I don’t like losing resources that I view as essential. But God is interested in more than just my victory today: He wants me to learn that true victory is found only in him, and not in my accumulation of resources, wealth, influence, and power.

Today I choose to trust the provider (and remover…) of resource, knowing that my victory comes from Him alone.

Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” This is my declaration today. In plenty or in lack, my victory comes from God!


God, thank you for supplying all I need–and I choose to trust you when you remove resources from my life. I know that you will not fail me, even as you remove the things which I don’t need…but thought that I did. My victory and my hope are in you alone!


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