Like a freed slave who has not yet realized that his shackles are gone, I can still allow old fears and mindsets to keep me from walking in the full freedom which is mine in Christ. Today I choose to let go of fear, so that I can walk in freedom.




Hebrews 2:14-15

“Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.”


The wages of sin is death, and through sin the devil wields the fear of death to enslave mankind. Therefore sinful men spend their lives ruled and controlled by fear of the inevitable end they will reach regardless.

The child of God is subject to a different kind of servitude: not controlled by the fear of death, but instead released to freely choose a life of willing service to the King. No longer a slave fear, but anticipating eagerly the fulfillment of His promise of eternal, abundant life.


What a difference it makes, to be able to view life through the anticipation of abundant life rather than through the fear of death! Because of Christ, I can walk with confidence through life in anticipation of what God has in store. But I must watch for areas where I am walking in fear of that which Christ has already conquered! Like a freed slave who has not yet realized that his shackles are gone, I can still allow old fears and mindsets to keep me from walking in the full freedom which is mine in Christ.

Today I choose to let go of fear, so that I can walk in freedom. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know I have the promise of abundant life.


God, thank you for conquering sin and winning the victory over death! Help me to walk today in freedom and anticipation, instead of allowing my life to be ruled by fear of a defeated enemy.


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