It’s God’s job to bring people to repentance–but it’s my responsibility not to allow my own heart to become infected with corrosiveness around me.




Titus 3:10

“As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.”


Conflict and disagreements happen-but some people seem to thrive on disagreements and strife. The child of God is instructed to “warn” such a person and confront them about their behavior–then after another warning…have nothing more to do with them.


Divisive and argumentative behavior must be confronted. A person who naturally and effortlessly stirs up tension and discord in the family must be confronted, for the health of the family. But at some point, I must draw a boundary to keep divisive people from dragging me into the vortex with them. God’s grace is still available to them, but I can’t try to play God’s role in changing their heart. It’s his job to bring them to repentance–but it’s my responsibility not to allow my own heart to become infected with their corrosiveness.

This week, I choose to draw healthy boundaries so that the family can grow in unity.


God, help me to care enough about people to confront things that must be confronted. But help me also to draw healthy boundaries, to protect the unity of the family. Even through disagreement, may we grow closer to you and grow stronger together.


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