The change that Christ has brought to my heart must be communicated in the way that I speak, the way that I live, and the way that I interact–because I’ve experienced the power of God, and He has saved me!




Romans 1:16-17

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”


Paul’s statement is intriguing. Why would someone be ashamed of the gospel? Why be ashamed of the most incredible news that has ever been shared? It seems that the only reason to be ashamed of the gospel, would be if the gospel is not true. If there is doubt in one’s mind whether the gospel truly is ‘the power of God for salvation’…then shame would quickly follow.

Paul had no doubt in his mind of the power of the gospel. He had experienced God’s power and salvation, and now there was no viewpoint, philosophy, argument, or debate which could shake his confidence in this amazing message which had radically transformed his life.


I’ve experienced the power of God. I’ve experienced his grace and mercy, and I’ve received his blessing and his forgiveness. There is nothing on earth that could cause me to doubt the truth and authenticity of what I’ve experienced. So when I share the gospel, it must always be from a place of confidence and certainty, not from hesitancy and shame! The change that Christ has brought to my heart, must be communicated in the way that I speak, the way that I live, and the way that I interact–because I’ve experienced the power of God, and he has saved me!


God, thank you for saving my soul! Thank you for paying the price for my sin, and for showing me mercy. Help me this week to seize each opportunity to point people to you, with the full confidence that your gospel deserves. May I never be ashamed of the best news that has ever been shared!


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