God isn’t just interested in the quantifiable metrics of my life–he’s looking at the state of my heart. Instead of trying to navigate life solely by the actions I perform, I must instead go back daily to the ‘heart stuff’.

Psalm 51:16-17
“For you will not delight in sacrifice or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”
Actions matter- but God looks beyond mere ‘good actions’, to see the heart behind it. Sacrifices from a proud heart are not what he’s looking for. Offerings from an unrepentant heart will not be pleasing to him. A heart that is repentant, broken, and aware of its own need is what he is looking for.
Actions can be quantified and measured. Heart stuff…not so much. Yet God isn’t just interested in the quantifiable metrics of my life–he’s looking at the state of my heart. Instead of trying to navigate life solely by the actions I perform, I must instead go back daily to the ‘heart stuff’. I must allow God to convict me of my sin. I must acknowledge and feel my need for God. I must grieve with the grief of repentance–and I must come humbly to him…not claiming that I’ve already solved my issue, but aware that I cannot.
God, thank you for your love and mercy! I come humbly to you today, with a broken and contrite heart. Cleanse me and wash me, and make me more like you!
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