Accountability is not merely a starting-line strategy, but rather a permanent way of life for a Godly leader. Accountability is not merely a guideline for the novice, but rather a strategy which ensures long-term health for the experienced veteran. If I want to ensure God’s blessing on my life for the long run, then accountability must remain my default mode of operation.

Galatians 2:1-2
“Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me. I went up because of a revelation and set before them (though privately before those who seemed influential) the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles, in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain.”
Paul displays such humility and strength in this passage. After fourteen years of ministry, one would think that Paul wouldn’t be seeking much input or discussion from the leaders in Jerusalem on his ministry to the gentiles–yet here he is, again making the trip to Jerusalem to seek perspective and input from the other Apostles and to keep himself accountable to them. He didn’t view his length of experience in ministry to be a license to operate without accountability. Yet at the same time, Paul didn’t throw open the door to public opinion and crowd-think in evaluating these important questions. He specifically sought input from Peter, James, and John. Others surely had opinions as well, but Paul knew whose wisdom he trusted.
Accountability is not merely a starting-line strategy, but rather a permanent way of life for a Godly leader. Accountability is not merely a guideline for the novice, but rather a strategy which ensures long-term health for the experienced veteran. If I want to ensure God’s blessing on my life for the long run, then accountability must remain my default mode of operation.
Yet not all voices in my life are created equal! There is never a shortage of people ready and eager to give an opinion, but there are a relatively few voices that God has placed in my life to speak into me at a deeper level. Allowing every voice equally into my life leads to me being a people-pleaser. Allowing no voices into my life makes me a loose cannon and a danger to everyone. Somewhere between the two is the God-honoring balance of being humbly accountable to the right voices.
This week I choose to walk humbly, with prayerful discernment to remain accountable to those whom God has placed in my life to point me back to His word and His ways.
God, thank you for Godly and wise leaders who speak truth into my life and guide me closer to you! Give me wisdom to seek counsel from the right voices, and give me discernment each day to kindly but decisively reject the input of voices which would not lead me closer to you.

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