How do I react when conflict happens? Some things are worth disagreeing over, but how does it affect my heart? Do I let it come between me and God, or derail me from the mission? Instead, I must keep my heart right before God and keep walking forward.
Acts 15:38-39
“But Paul thought it best not to take with them one who had withdrawn from them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them in the work. And there arose a sharp disagreement, so that they separated from each other.”
Disagreement is never fun, but it’s certainly no stranger to the family of God. Even while Jesus walked on earth, the disciples squabbled–and we’ve never stopped since!
Paul and Barnabas had a ‘sharp disagreement’, and parted ways–but they parted ways while still walking forward in the kingdom, still pursuing the same mission…and eventually God brought restoration to their relationship.
Disagreements happen. Large or small, major or minor…put two or more people in the same room, and there will be something to disagree about.
How do I react when this happens? Some things are worth disagreeing over, but how does it affect my heart? Do I let it come between me and God? Do I let it derail me from the mission? Or do I keep my heart right before God and keep walking forward?
I must walk with a heart that is ready to forgive and reconcile. It may not happen right away, but eventually Christ’s presence will inevitably lead toward reconciliation if I keep walking toward him.
God, help me to navigate conflict in a way which honors you! Even when conflict is necessary, help me to keep my heart on track and ready to reconcile. May I never allow unforgiveness to hinder the purpose for which you created me.

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