Though life presents many tempting and attractive options, I know that the Lord is the only one who will never fail me or let me down. Over and over he has proven himself faithful and trustworthy. Over and over he has shown his love and mercy. Over and over he has extended his forgiveness and compassion.
Psalm 16:5
“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.”
“The Lord is my chosen portion“. This implies that the psalmist had other ‘portions’ he could have chosen…and he chose the Lord.
It’s usually not hard to make a choice when I have only one option. If vanilla ice cream is the only flavor we have…then I’ll pick vanilla! But what about when all the options are laid out before me?
Though life presents many tempting and attractive options, I know that the Lord is the only one who will never fail me or let me down. Over and over he has proven himself faithful and trustworthy. Over and over he has shown his love and mercy. Over and over he has extended his forgiveness and compassion.
Today I declare with the writer of Psalm 16, “The Lord is my chosen portion!”
God, thank you for choosing me! Thank you for offering me your love and forgiveness. Today I declare and resolve that you are my chosen portion. I need no other options or backup plans–you are sufficient, you are good, and you are my king.

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