I can’t wait until my issues are solved, in order to give God my worship–rather, I must make the decision today in the middle of the uncertainty and struggle…to worship him. He is worthy of my worship, and he will show himself strong in my life to fulfill my future as I honor him with my present.
Genesis 35:5-7
5 And as they journeyed, a terror from God fell upon the cities that were around them, so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob. 6 And Jacob came to Luz (that is, Bethel), which is in the land of Canaan, he and all the people who were with him, 7 and there he built an altar and called the place El-bethel, because there God had revealed himself to him when he fled from his brother.
Jacob was essentially on the run at this point, watching over his shoulder for the people of the land to attack him due to his sons violent vengeance on behalf of their sister. As Jacob journeyed to the place where God had instructed him to build an altar, God caused the people around them to experience a sudden, unexplainable, irrational fear. God protected and guarded Jacob, but Jacob didn’t see it until he made the decision to worship. God’s protection was always there–but it was made visible and accessible in Jacob’s life when he decided to purify his house and worship the Almighty God.
God knows my fears, and he knows the dangers and obstacles that surround me. He is patient, despite my shortcomings and imperfections. He stands ready to strengthen and defend me, but requires that my attention remain on him. I can’t wait until my issues are solved, in order to bring him my worship–rather, I must make the decision today in the middle of the uncertainty and struggle…to worship him. He is worthy of my worship, and he will show himself strong in my life to fulfill my future as I honor him with my present.
This week, I choose to worship the God who saves.
God, thank you for your presence and your faithfulness! Help me not to waste my time and energy worrying about the problems and issues of this world–but rather keep my focus on you, and direct the attention of those around me to your glory, majesty, and goodness. Thank you for strengthening and protecting me through every season and every battle!

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