The promise was given by God, and it was plain to those around Isaac…but at some point, he still had to make the decision to walk in the promise.
Genesis 26:2-3
And the LORD appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the land of which I shall tell you. Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you, for to you and to your offspring I will give all these lands, and I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father.
What an amazing promise God gave to Isaac! What an incredible way to start this season of his life, with the confidence that God had a plan and a purpose, and would fulfill what He had established. Unfortunately, Isaac still operated as though he was not walking in promise. He allowed fear and insecurity to control his decisions and path, and nearly lost his marriage over the imagined foes along the way. Abimelech knew that Isaac was going to receive the promise–and he finally sent Isaac away, because he knew that Isaac’s destiny was great enough to be a threat to his kingdom in Gerar. The promise was given by God, and it was plain to those around Isaac…but at some point, he still had to make the decision to walk in the promise.
There’s a difference between knowing what God has promised…and walking in God’s promise. Too often in my life, I’ve let the real and imagined obstacles on my journey cause me to operate in fear, instead of standing confidently on God’s promise. If I walk in fear, I put the fulfillment of God’s promise at risk. Not because the obstacles are greater than God, but because I can make them bigger than God in my mind. This week, I choose to keep my eyes on the promise-giver. I choose to walk in the promises of God, and give him the opportunity to show himself strong in my life. I know he will not let me down, and history will demonstrate that my trust in Him has not been misplaced.
God, thank you for your promises in my life! I choose today to walk in your promise instead of in fear–and I thank you for being greater than any obstacle I could face. May you be glorified as I keep my eyes on you!

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