We will always have opportunities for relational rifts and communication breakdowns, but Christ can still receive the glory even in these situations if I keep my heart right and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide my words and responses.
Philemon 1:8-10
“Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required, yet for love’s sake I prefer to appeal to you– I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus– I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment.”
This small book of the Bible is a master class on Christ-honoring communication. Paul was preparing to send a runaway slave back to his master, but he wanted to clear the way for Onesimus to be welcomed back with love rather than punishment. Paul felt that he had the authority to order Philemon to obey his instructions-but instead he wrote with a gentle heart of love. Paul modeled to Philemon the same heart that he wanted Philemon to display to Onesimus.
I see three things in Paul’s communication:
    • He was consistent in his values (he modeled what he taught).
    • He was clear and specific in his expectations.
    • He didn’t make his appeal solely based on emotion or on information-instead he used both together to share inspiration.
I have so much to learn in my communication!
This kingdom-hearted and Christ-honoring blend of love and truth, of data and heartfelt emotion, of principles and clear expectations, challenges me to be so much more intentional this week in how I communicate. There will inevitably be opportunities for relational rifts and communication breakdowns, but Christ can still receive the glory even in these situations if I keep my heart right and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide my words and responses.
God, thank you for the example of men like Paul. I have to much to learn in my communication! Help me this week to speak and to walk with a heart that honors you–not just sharing information, but rather Holy Spirit inspiration which points people to a closer walk with you. I want to be effective in your kingdom!
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