Some issues are my problem, but not my calling. I shouldn’t ignore them, but nor can I devote all of my attention to solving them. So this week, I choose to engage my heart when issues arise. I choose to reject the ‘not my problem’ mindset, and instead pray for wisdom to release people into their calling–so that the mission can continue, and so that we would together keep walking in step with God.
Acts 6:2-4
“And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.
Somewhere in the early church, someone had developed a “not my job” attitude. Though the church was ministering and meeting needs, the Hellenistic widows were being neglected. Those that were distributing food and assistance apparently couldn’t be bothered to fix the inequality issue. The apostles saw the issue and responded differently. Instead of “not my job”, they acknowledged that it was definitely their problem to address–but it wasn’t their calling. They took ownership to find a solution, while not letting it derail them from their specific calling.
There is never any shortage of problems in the world. Some are small, some are huge, and some of them grieve the heart of God–like when the church tolerates racist attitudes toward God’s children. It can be easy to slip into an attitude of “not my job”.
This pass-the-buck mindset doesn’t align with the heart of God, nor does it accomplish our mission. And yet, I can quickly become so distracted trying to fix all the issues that I neglect to fulfill my calling in Christ…which also does not please him, and doesn’t accomplish our mission.
Somewhere in between the two extremes is the healthy balance–where I can acknowledge that the situation is my problem, but still not my calling. This response carries personal responsibility–not merely to care about the issue, but also to care about those who truly are called to solve it.
This week, I choose to engage my heart when issues arise. I choose to reject the ‘not my problem’ mindset, and instead pray for wisdom to release people into their calling–so that the mission can continue, and so that we would together keep walking in step with God.
God, help me this week to walk in my calling and release others into theirs. May we never degrade into ‘not my job’, but instead approach every issue with your heart of love.
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