Because of his sacrifice, Christ has declared us righteous and holy before God…no longer controlled by godlessness, but now priests to God, and walking in His authority on earth! Truly, He is worthy to be praised!

Revelation 5:9-10
“Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”
What an amazing thing Christ has done! Because of his sacrifice, he has ransomed people from the power of sin. Because of his sacrifice, he has established the redeemed as a kingdom–and because of his sacrifice, he has declared them righteous and holy before God…no longer controlled by godlessness, but now priests to God, and walking in His authority on earth!
Truly, the lamb is worthy to be praised!
When I take time to understand and remind myself what Christ has done, I can’t help but lift my voice in praise to declare his greatness! While my mind can acknowledge that he should be praised, my heart must be reminded from time to time that he deserves every praise, every song, every accolade, every bit of worship that I can give. When I remind myself of what Christ has done for me, I can’t restrain myself from joining with the angels, the elders, the beings around the throne, and every living creature in heaven and on earth to lift my voice in a song of praise!
God, you are so worthy of my praise! Thank you for redeeming me! May I never forget or lose sight of your greatness and the magnitude of what you’ve done for me. Help me today to seize every opportunity to lift up your name and declare your greatness–so that those I meet today would also have an opportunity to be redeemed and join their voice with the unending song of praise.

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