It’s easy to get so focused on the small things God asks from me, that I miss the fact that what He truly wants is to give me something: his love, his grace, his blessing, and his provision.

John 4:10
“Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you ‘give me a drink’, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.'”
The Samaritan woman was shocked that Jesus asked her for a drink–but Jesus told her that the real objective wasn’t about what he asked from her…but about what he wanted to give her.
Sometimes I look at God and say “you want WHAT from me?!”
It’s easy to get so focused on the small things he asks from me, that I miss the fact that what He truly wants is to give me something: his love, his grace, his blessing, his provision…
There is truly nothing that I could give to God that he lacks–so the only direction things can actually flow is from him to me.
This week I choose to willingly give what God asks of me, eagerly anticipating and confidently asking to receive all that he wants to give me.
God, thank you for giving me so much! I could never repay you, but I choose to cheerfully give what you ask of me. I want to receive all that you want to give me!

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