As children of God we are born again into something greater–no longer governed by our most basic selfish motivations, but instead called to a life of selfless service as we emulate the greatest servant of all: Christ!

James 3:16
“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.”
“Me first” is natural…but natural instincts don’t lead closer to a supernatural God. “Me first” seems like a small thing…but it leads to a violation of all other laws of God.
Our world teaches that our basic instincts, desires, and motivations are something to be celebrated and pursued. Lady Gaga might be ‘born this way’, but we have been born again into something greater–no longer governed by our most basic selfish motivations, but instead called to a life of selfless service as we emulate the greatest servant of all–Christ!
My life in Christ has no room for a “me first” attitude. Instead of jealousy, I must celebrate the blessings that others receive. Instead of selfishness, I must give cheerfully with a generous heart.
This week I choose to grow beyond what is natural, to grow closer to the one who is super-natural.
God, thank you for calling me higher! Help me to daily submit my desires and instincts to you, so that I would daily be transformed into your image.

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