God’s way doesn’t lead me along safe paths–but it does lead me safely through treacherous circumstances and deadly situations.

Hebrews 10:39
“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.”
“Shrinking back” is an instinctive response of self-preservation in the face of a threat or danger. The author of Hebrews shares that there is a natural tension between self-preservation and walking in faith. Self-preservation without faith leads to self-destruction. Self-sacrifice with faith leads to divine preservation.
God’s way doesn’t lead me along safe paths–but it does lead me safely through treacherous circumstances and deadly situations. Though my instinct may be to walk in such a way as to preserve myself, faith calls me to step out boldly in the presence of danger, knowing that there is no safer place I could be than in the middle of the storm with the One who has authority over all things, and who preserves me by His divine power.
This week I choose to step out in faith, trusting my God to uphold me and supply all that I need.
God, thank you for your love and your power. I choose to say ‘yes’ to you, instead of shrinking back and relying on my own power. I know that my life is safe in your hands, and I choose to trust you.

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