The widow woman in this story didn’t understand the size of the miracle that God was preparing to bring through the resource she had already been given. Her cupboards looked bare, but she still had the makings of a miracle.

2 Kings 4:2
“And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”
The widow woman in this story was in a dire situation. Her husband and provider was dead, and his creditors were now on their way to exact payment from the widow and her sons by force. She understood the size of her problem, and the limitation of the resources at her disposal. What she didn’t understand, was the size of the miracle that God was preparing to bring through the resource she had already been given. Her cupboards looked bare, but she still had the makings of a miracle.
This story reminds me so much of the story of Moses. God came to Moses and said, “What is that in your hand?” For Moses, the makings of his miracle consisted of a stick of wood. For the widow woman in 2 Kings 4, the makings of her miracle looked like an unassuming jar of oil in her kitchen. The resource wasn’t much…but it was all that God needed in order to accomplish a miracle in her life.
There are days that I look at the resources in my hand, and then look at the size of the task before me…and wonder how on earth things are going to work out. Whatever the challenge is–financial obstacles, relationship issues, communication barriers, or something else completely…the resources in my hands rarely seem adequate to the task. But perhaps that’s the whole point–if my resources were adequate for the challenge, then I wouldn’t learn to trust in the God who provided what I hold in my hands.
Like the widow woman in this story, I must recognize what God has put in my hands…and then put it back in the hands of God to be used as he sees fit. No matter the size of my problem, or the limit of my resource…when I place all that I have in the hands of God, it is enough for the makings of a miracle.
This week, I must place my cares on the God who has never let me down. I must trust him to supply solutions, even when I see no solution in sight. I must surrender all that I have to him, to be used for his own glory.
God, thank you for being my provider and my protector! Thank you for giving me the ‘makings of a miracle’, and for accomplishing the things that only you can do–no matter the size of the obstacles I face. You are awesome, and I want you to be glorified in my life!

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