When each part of the Body of Christ is fully involved and fully contributing, the entire body grows, heals, strengthens, moves, and fulfills it’s purpose as God intended.

Ephesians 4:15-16
“Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”
Christ’s desire is that we would not be derailed by false doctrine but rather that we would grow up and mature in love–not just individually, but together as a whole body. This only happens when each part is working properly.
When one part of my body is not working properly, my whole body is affected. With some parts like my heart, the result can be instant and highly noticeable. With other parts, their absence or lack of contribution may take much longer to notice…but the end result can be just as devastating to the whole.
The body of Christ is exactly the same. Every single member has a vital role to play, for the good of the whole body. When each part is fully involved and fully contributing, the entire body grows, heals, strengthens, moves, and fulfills it’s purpose as God intended. This growth happens ‘in love’. Not through me sitting back to merely point out problems with a critical spirit–but instead through me being fully invested, fully committed, fully engaged, and fully loving the members around me. It happens through me fully investing my own heart, and teaching others to do the same.
This week, I choose to honor Christ by building up the body with a heart of love.
God, thank you for the privilege of being a member of your body here on earth! Help me this week to be a catalyst of growth and healing as I fulfill your calling on my life with a heart of love. Help me to encourage and draw out the best in those around me, so that the whole body could work as you designed it, with each member fully engaged and involved.
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