King David needed people he could count on to manage projects. He needed people who could make decisions and get things done. He needed people to follow orders and carry out his commands. But he also needed a trusted companion to perform no other function than be his friend.

1 Chronicles 27:32-34
“Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, being a man of understanding and a scribe. He and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni attended the king’s sons. Ahithophel was the king’s counselor, and Hushai the Archite was the king’s friend. Ahithophel was succeeded by Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar. Joab was commander of the king’s army.”
These chapters give us a glimpse into the structure and functions of King David’s court. We see the incredible scale of planning it took for David to manage not only the country, but also his estate. We see the names of advisors, of watchmen, of accountants, of military commanders, of ranch foremen, of artists, and of inventory control specialists. And there at the end of the list, almost unnoticed among the names of these incredible leaders that assisted King David in keeping the nation running smoothly, we find a man named Hushai.
Hushai was not a general in the army. He wasn’t the head of the national bank. He wasn’t a manager of David’s business interests. No–Hushai performed a different, but just as vital role: He was the friend of the King.
King David needed people he could count on to manage projects. He needed people who could make decisions and get things done. He needed people to follow orders and carry out his commands. But he also needed a trusted companion to perform no other function than be his friend. He needed someone that he could converse with as an equal in the relationship. He needed someone who wasn’t trying to win his favor or manipulate him for personal gain. He needed someone to walk with him on life’s journey, who didn’t have an ‘agenda’.
God created us to desire companionship. The need is so deeply ingrained within us, that many people have self-destructed for the sake of finding or preserving companionship with someone who was not the right companion for them.
Wisdom dictates that we should be intentional to navigate relationships in a way which moves us toward our mission. There is a process of building trust in order to execute a plan, and we need people who can help us to accomplish our mission in life. Yet we need more than merely ‘allies’ on the journey. We also need friendship! If we reduce every relationship around us to a math formula of ‘success’, we will miss out on something important that God created us to long for: friendship.
This week, I need to take some time to invest in my friendships. I need to identify those people who may not be performing any specific ‘function’ in my life, but who are worth my time anyway. I need to value these people, and make time for them–because friendship is worth it.
God, thank you for friends on life’s journey! Thank you for putting people in my life who bring out the best in me, and who I can enjoy spending time with as I pursue the mission you’ve given me. Help me not to get so focused on the tasks you’ve entrusted to me, that I neglect to invest time in friendship.

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