A leader is known not only for what they ‘do’, but even more by what they ‘tolerate’. A leader can have the greatest charisma, the wisest plans, and the most compelling vision…but if they tolerate behavior which violates their values, none of their positive traits can counterbalance this crack in the foundation.

2 Samuel 3:31
“Then David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, “Tear your clothes and put on sackcloth and mourn before Abner.” And King David followed the bier.”
David was now on the throne, but he now faced the gigantic task of picking up the fragmented pieces that Saul had left behind. The kingdom was divided, tensions were running high, and civil war was tearing the nation apart. In the middle of it all, David’s former enemy Abner realized that David was the right man for the throne and came to him to promise his support in uniting the nation. Unfortunately, Joab could not get past his anger and unforgiveness regarding his brother’s death in battle at Abner’s hand. Joab murdered Abner without David’s knowledge or approval, and David had to respond in order to avert a further crisis. He didn’t scold Joab for grieving his brother’s death–but for the sake of the kingdom he could not sit back and tacitly condone what Joab had done. He publicly reprimanded Joab, and called for God’s judgement on his family line.
The nation saw David’s integrity in what he ‘did’, and in what he ‘refused to allow’–and they united with him, instead of rebelling against him.
A leader is known not only for what they ‘do’, but even more by what they ‘tolerate’. A leader can have the greatest charisma, the wisest plans, and the most compelling vision…but if they tolerate behavior which violates their values, none of their positive traits can counterbalance this crack in the foundation.
I want to live with Holy Spirit wisdom, and lead well as God has called me–and I must be mindful not only of how ‘I’ live, but also of the behaviors that I allow and permit to develop within the team. The best platitudes, the highest aspirations, and the most compelling vision cannot compensate for intolerable behaviors which I tolerate…in my own life, or in the lives of the leaders that I lead.
This week, I must seek Holy Spirit wisdom to navigate each season and each situation in a Christlike and God-honoring way–so we can cultivate true unity of heart and purpose as we fulfill the mission to which we’ve been called.
God, thank you for loving me enough to call me out when something in my heart doesn’t align with you! Give me wisdom to lead well, and to love others enough to bring correction in a God-honoring and people-valuing way when it is necessary. May we never allow the things we ‘tolerate’, to derail us from the mission to which you’ve called us!

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