I can’t produce life–that’s the job of the seed-giver. I can’t bring the rain–that’s the job of the one who is the water of life. I can’t prevent the burning sun, or the rocks, or the birds, or any of the other obstacles…but I can pray for effectiveness, and walk in the wisdom that God gives as I keep on planting seed.

Matthew 13:3-8
3 And he told them many things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow.4 And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them.5 Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil,6 but when the sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away.7 Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.8 Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
“The sower went out to sow”…because that’s what a sower does. The sower is passionate about putting seeds into the ground, not just storing it neatly in jars on the shelf.
“Some seeds fell along the path”…There is no shortage of seed, that it must be conserved as a rare commodity.
“When the sun rose they were scorched”…The sower does not control all of the growing conditions: He simply continues sowing the seed.
“Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain”…The sower does not allow himself to become discouraged about the seeds which have not produced a harvest: He keeps on walking, keeps on sowing, and eventually his faithfulness results in a great harvest.
God has given me his Word, a powerful source of life and hope which will grow and produce a harvest. He’s given me all that I need, and called me to be a sower. Not everything that I do will produce a harvest–some of those seeds will fall on the path, or on rocky ground…but I must keep on sowing, and keep on walking, until I reach the ‘good soil’ which will produce a harvest for my King.
I can’t get so comfortable on the path, that I never step out into the field. I can’t get so insistent on growing a harvest where ‘I’ want it to grow, that I miss out on producing a harvest where the soil is prepared and eager to receive the seed.
This week, I need to be faithful in planting seeds. I must be bold in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, and not allow good seed to sit unused and unplanted. I must pray for wisdom to get seed into good soil–so that my efforts would be effective, and a harvest would be produced for my master.
This week I need to recognize places where I may be standing comfortably on the path, instead of walking through the field.
I can’t produce life–that’s the job of the seed-giver. I can’t bring the rain–that’s the job of the one who is the water of life. I can’t prevent the burning sun, or the rocks, or the birds, or any of the other obstacles…but I can pray for effectiveness, and walk in the wisdom that God gives as I keep on planting seed.
God, help me to be effective and faithful in the things which you’ve entrusted to me! Give me tenacity and determination to keep on sowing seed even when I encounter obstacles, and give me your wisdom to get good seed into good soil…so that You would be glorified by the harvest that is produced. Help me to prepare the soil of my heart, so that your word would always find a place to grow in my life.

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