Abiathar wasn’t able to fix David’s problem with Saul, or with the city who was about to betray him–but what he could do, was help David to get in touch with God.

1 Samuel 23:6
“When Abiathar the son of Ahimelech had fled to David to Keilah, he had come down with an ephod in his hand.”
Abiathar was the only survivor of Saul’s massacre of the priestly city of Nob. His father, Ahimelech, was the priest who had helped David, and given him the sword of Goliath. Now Abiathar was on the run with David–and it would have seemed reasonable for him to bring a sword and seek vengeance for his family. Instead, he brought an ephod–a priestly garment for ministering before the Lord. He wasn’t able to fix David’s problem with Saul, or with the city who was about to betray him–but what he could do, was to help David to get in touch with God.
Our world is full of injustice and wounded people. It would be easy to get caught up in fighting battles, either for my own vengeance or in trying to solve problems in the life of those around me. But God hasn’t called me to fight battles for others–that’s his job! What He’s called me to do, is to help people get connected with God.
This week, I need to remember to bring my ephod and not my sword. As I point others to God and help them learn to hear His voice, He will fight the battles that need to be fought…and He will receive the glory.
Thank you God for this reminder to help me re-target this week. Give me wisdom to point people to you, and may you receive the glory through every situation and battle!

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