The thing that had been an insurmountable problem without God’s anointing, was no longer something to fear now that the hearts of the nation were aligned with God.


Joshua 8:1
“And the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not fear and do not be dismayed. Take all the fighting men with you, and arise, go up to Ai. See, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, and his people, his city, and his land.”
The Israelites had just experienced defeat in battle for the first time–and it shook them! God dealt with the hidden sin, and now he was sending them back to face the exact same enemy again! Understandably they were nervous–but God told Joshua, “Don’t be dismayed!” The thing that had been an insurmountable problem without God’s anointing, was no longer something to fear now that their hearts were aligned with God.
Past failure can be a deadly enemy. Not because it holds ‘real’ power, but because it can stop us in our tracks and discourage us from continuing to walk forward. If allowed, past failure will prevent future victory. Yet God told Joshua, “Don’t be dismayed!”
A heart submitted to God doesn’t have to fear the failures of the past. A heart aligned with God is free to face the enemies of the past, with confidence in God to provide the victory.
This week, I need to examine my heart when hesitations and fears arise. Am I letting past failures hold me back from stepping forward into the victory that God wants to give me, or am I confidently following his leading as I surrender my heart to his?
God, thank you that my past failures do not define my future! Thank you for bringing me back into alignment with you each time I stray, and empowering me to overcome the obstacles that once overcame me. May you be glorified in my life as I live through your strength instead of my own!

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