Paul didn’t lead people to faith in his own oratory skills or charisma, but rather to faith in Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:3-5
And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
Paul led people to salvation through Christ all over the known world of his day–but not with convincing arguments, elaborate philosophies, or doctoral dissertations. Paul didn’t try to ‘convince’ people to put their faith in Jesus–he simply walked in the power of the Spirit. He didn’t lead people to faith in his own oratory skills or charisma, but rather to faith in Jesus Christ.
We live in a world of marketing experts. From toothpaste focus groups, to market research firms, to PR experts…the public are accustomed to messaging that is dialed-in, nuanced, focused, and persuasive.
They are also accustomed to hearing smooth-talking salesmen representing products that can’t back up the sales pitch!
The presentation of the gospel should not be like this. It requires no manipulation on my part, no massaging of the data, no shady fine-print. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God to salvation! It is an expression of the love of God expressed in power and action, to transform the life of every person who puts their faith in Jesus Christ.
This week, I need to pray for anointing and boldness to walk in the power of the Spirit–because THAT is how hearts are led to saving faith in Christ.
God, thank you for your Spirit in me! Thank you for the power to walk in your ways. Help me to fully utilize every gift and talent you’ve given me for your glory, but never slip into the trap of thinking that my own skill or talent would be enough. I need the power of your Spirit, and those that you’ve called me to reach also need to experience the power of your Spirit–not merely a smooth sales pitch! Use me this week I pray, to make a difference in your kingdom!

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