God’s power is not proven through a lack of problems in my life…His power is proven through the way that he shows himself faithful through ‘every’ problem I could face.

Psalm 40:9-10
I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O LORD. I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.
Some stories just can’t be held in–they’ve gotta be told! The writer of Psalm 40 has experienced the power of God, and he can’t stop himself from telling others about what God has done. But immediately after this verse, he goes on to talk about all the struggles he’s still experiencing, and the battles that he is still facing! The writer doesn’t wait until all of his present problems are resolved, to tell of the greatness of God: Rather he tells the story of what God has ‘already’ done, trusting that there is more that God is still doing. God’s faithfulness through past trials, gives him hope for the present battle–and that kind of hope cannot be kept silent.
God has been faithful in my life. His power is not proven through a lack of problems in my life…His power is proven through the way that he shows himself faithful through ‘every’ problem I could face. I can’t wait for the day that no more issues exist, to tell the story of what he’s done–I must start today! The testimony of God’s faithfulness in my life is a reminder to me, and an encouragement to others. The same God who calmed the storm yesterday is the same God who is greater than the storm that I currently face–and his story must be told!
God, thank you for your faithfulness in my life! Thank you for proving yourself worthy of my trust over and over again. Help me to never forget all that you’ve done for me, and give me boldness to share the story of your greatness in my life so that others would also come to put their trust in you!
Thank you for being greater than the storms I face today–I trust that you hold my future in your hands, and that no issue is too hard for you to handle.

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