Like Jesus, I must be sure of my mission. I must know who I am in God, and know the authority I have in him.
And then…I must simply keep on walking. Without reacting, without retorting, without slowing down.

Mark 8:11-12
“The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply within his spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
The Pharisees had decided that they needed to form an ‘official’ opinion of Jesus, and take a stance on his ministry. Jesus had never asked them to weigh in, but they were the self-appointed judge, jury, and executioner. They brought their demands to Jesus, and Jesus said…no! I can just imagine the confusion, frustration, and bafflement on their face when Jesus simply refused to play their game. He knew who he was, he knew the authority he walked in…and so, he simply kept walking!
People love to stick their fingers into situations and exert control! Our society is full of those who seem to have made it their mission in life to provide critique and commentary on everything:
“If you’re really following Christ, then you would do this…”
“If you really care about people, then you would focus on that…”
“If you really were a Christian, then you should…”
Often these are not the voices of those who truly walk with us and care about us, but rather it’s the self-appointed judges, critics, and commentators. Like Jesus, I must be sure of my mission. I must know who I am in God, and know the authority I have in him.
And then…I must simply keep on walking. Without reacting, without retorting, without slowing down.
God, thank you for the confidence I find in following your footsteps. Help me to follow you daily, and not let self-appointed commentators slow me down or dissuade me from fulfilling the mission you’ve given me. Thank you for the love, truth, and wisdom that you speak into my life each day.

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