Because of the price that Jesus paid, mankind has the ability to experience the mercy of God TODAY. How much better to surrender our lives to God now, instead of waiting for the last possible moment!

Luke 23:42-43
And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
What amazing mercy Jesus showed to the thief on the cross! He was at the end of his road, and had no ability to change his path or alter course. His life was what it was, crimes and all. God had desired so much more for him, and yet still had mercy on him in his final moments. The amazing thing is that because of the price that Jesus paid, mankind has the ability to experience the mercy of God TODAY. How much better to surrender our lives to God now, instead of waiting for the last possible moment!
I want to see God’s best in my life. I don’t want to spend a lifetime doing things ‘my way’ and suffer the consequences, and then throw myself on the mercy of God at the end of my road, as my journey on earth ends in agony and heartbreak. I must surrender my life to God daily, and trust Him to lead and guide me even through difficult circumstances. As I surrender my life to God, I want to be bold to speak life and hope into those around me so that God’s best would be accomplished in their life also. Jesus didn’t force the thief to change his ways prior to the cross, but this wasn’t the first opportunity the thief had been given to repent and turn to God. I must let God’s love operate through me, wherever people are on their journey–offering hope even when it is rejected, because one day their heart may be ready to turn to God.
God, thank you for giving me your peace, strength, and hope for the journey. Help me to extend your love and hope to others, so that they would turn to you today instead of waiting for their world to fall apart. Help me to be patient in speaking truth and hope, and trust that you are great enough to turn their heart to you even if they reject you today. Thank you for not giving up on me!

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