When I remember the depth of God’s grace toward me, how could I ever hold a grudge against someone for the small ways that they have wronged me? His grace has triumphed over judgement in my own life–and grace still triumphs over judgement, as I let His mercy flow through me to those in my life.
James 2:12-13 – So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
‘Mercy triumphs over judgement’: This seems so backwards! Judgement is strong, judgement is harsh, judgement is about exerting correction on someone else–how can mercy be stronger than that?! Yet scripture teaches that this is how it works. Mercy doesn’t just ‘compete’ with judgement…mercy ‘triumphs over’ judgement.
I have needed so much mercy in my life! God has been merciful to me, and He wants me to show mercy to others. My natural instinct is to react harshly when things don’t go the way I want: When people don’t fulfill their commitments, when they speak hastily or lash out in anger, when their selfishness causes inconvenience in my own life…it’s easy to react with judgement toward them. Yet when I take a minute to remember Christ’s mercy toward me, it shows me how inconceivable it would be for me to live in a judgemental way toward others. In Christ, I am judged by the law of liberty–not by the law of sin and death. In Christ, I am offered forgiveness even though I don’t deserve it. In Christ, I live in the daily blessing of God–though my sin should have separated me forever from him. When I remember the depth of God’s grace toward me, how could I ever hold a grudge against someone for the small ways that they have wronged me? His grace has triumphed over judgement in my own life–and grace still triumphs over judgement, as I let His mercy flow through me to those in my life. This doesn’t mean that I am supposed to ignore sin, or to pretend like the actions of others never hurt me–but it does mean that my savior has been astoundingly patient and forgiving toward me…and I need to pass that on to those around me.
This week, I need to be intentional to walk in the triumph of mercy.
God, thank you for your mercy toward me, which triumphs over judgement! Help me to be patient, merciful, and forgiving toward others–always remembering the depth of your love for me.
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