We all start out as infants in the family, but God’s desire is that we would choose to grow instead of remaining an infant forever.
Hebrews 5:14
“But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”
God loves all of His children alike–but His children are not all alike. Some are mature, some are immature. Some are trained, some are untrained. Some are able to discern good from evil, some are not. We all start out as infants in the family, but God’s desire is that we would choose to grow instead of remaining an infant forever.
God has given me everything necessary for me to grow. He’s given me the right environment, the right nourishment, and the right resources–but He expects me to use what he’s given me in order to become strengthened and mature.
As I practice the things of God and practice following God, my spiritual muscles are strengthened–and my ability to discern between that which is Godly and ungodly is increased.
This week, I need to take full advantage of the resources God has given me–and make the decision to daily grow in God by practicing that which pleases and honors Him.
God, thank you for giving me all that I need in order to grow in you. Help me to grow daily in you, that I would not remain stagnant in a state of weakness and spiritual immaturity.
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