Paul walked in Holy Spirit confidence, instead of changing based on the opinion of others. He walked with consistent character, consistent values, and a consistent message. 
2 Corinthians 10:10-11
10 For they say, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account.” 11 Let such a person understand that what we say by letter when absent, we do when present.
Some of Paul’s critics were minimizing the correction written in his letters, saying that his words were grand but his presence was weak. Paul confronted them directly in this passage–he let them know that he was aware of their statements about him, and that he was untroubled by their opinion…because his actions and his words were united. The same Paul that wrote to the church to confront sin, would confront and correct just as boldly face to face when he arrived.
Paul walked in Holy Spirit confidence, instead of changing based on the opinion of others. He walked with consistent character, consistent values, and a consistent message. 
What strength of character and confidence is displayed by Paul! Confidence to confront sin, confidence to face his critics, confidence to continue pointing people to God no matter what opposition arose.
This strength only comes from a life fully and completed surrendered to the lordship of Christ. This is the strength that comes from a life lived for one purpose, with one set of values, and consistency through every area. I need to make it a daily prayer, for God to continue to cultivate that kind of heart and consistency in me! I must be willing to let God change me and grow me, when He sees inconsistencies in my heart. I must be willing to let the word of God confront sin, resulting in Godly sorrow which leads me to lasting change. I must be willing to keep on walking forward toward the savior, even when the ‘right thing’ leads to criticism and opposition. 
God, thank you for your word and your Spirit which remain unchanging! Thank you for loving me enough to confront sin in my heart, which would separate me from you. Help me to walk with the strength of daily consistency–in speech, in action, in values, and in mission. 
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