The gospel of Jesus is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a self-help method for finding fulfillment and happiness. It is the power of God unto salvation, and the only way by which our eternal future can be made secure in God.

1 Corinthians 15:19
“If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” 
The hope of the resurrection was everything to Paul–and that is where he consistently pointed his readers back to the gospel. The gospel of Jesus is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a self-help method for finding fulfillment and happiness. It is the power of God unto salvation, and the only way by which our eternal future can be made secure in God. 
The gospel is first and foremost about my eternal future. God pours out his blessings on me here today, but His number-one priority is my future with Him. At times the journey here is rough and difficult. At times there is even suffering and persecution for the sake of the gospel–but the eternal promise ahead of me makes it all worth it.
I need to keep this focus not only in my own mind, but also in how I share the gospel with others. If I reduce the gospel to a formula for “happy living”, then I am presenting a false view of the gospel.
This week, I need to be thankful to God for my eternal future in Him–and let that eternal joy guide my conversations as I share His good news with others. 
God, thank you for the gospel! Thank you for the price you paid–not merely to make my earthly life better, but to secure my eternal future. When life hits hard, help me to rest in the peace of knowing that you hold my future.
As I share your good news with others, help me to never misrepresent your gospel, or dilute it from its primary purpose! 

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