When I am overwhelmed and on overload, God is not. He’s still speaking the words I need to hear, and still doing the things that only He can do.

Mark 9:5-7
“And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you, and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” For he did not know what to say, for they were terrified. And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved son; listen to him.” 
Peter was overwhelmed, on sensory overload, and probably unsure of his role in the situation. He had no idea what to do or say…so he just started talking! The voice of God came from the cloud, and told Peter to do a little more listening, and a lot less talking. It wasn’t the right time for Peter to ‘do’ anything other than listen to the Savior, and allow His glory to be seen. 
I’ve never seen Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah, but I’ve certainly been in Peter’s shoes…when life is overwhelming, when God is doing stuff, when I’m on sensory overload, when I’m not sure of my place or my role…sometimes the natural reaction is to just start ‘doing stuff’.
Start talking…
Start moving…
Start working…
But when I am overwhelmed and on overload, God is not. He’s still speaking the words I need to hear, and still doing the things that only He can do. At these moments, the Holy Spirit says “Just stop! Stop talking! Stop moving! Stop trying to figure it all out, and just LISTEN to the savior!”
This week, I need to spend time just listening to the savior’s voice, and watching what He is doing.
He is speaking. He is working. And He will lead me, if I allow Him. 
God, thank you for your voice which cuts through the clamor, the noise, and the confusion. Help me to pay attention to your voice, instead of just speaking to hear my own voice. Thank you that you are never overwhelmed, never surprised, and never caught off-guard! 

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