His blessing is not something that he pours out on some and withholds from others–rather, his blessing is accessible to those who make the decision to receive it.

Luke 11:27-28
“As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” 
The woman in this passage viewed God’s blessing as something happens to you–something that you either experience or don’t experience, depending on forces outside of your control. She saw Mary as the embodiment of this–an ordinary girl whom God had blessed by allowing her to be the mother of the messiah.
Jesus revealed a deeper truth about God’s blessing: Blessing comes from God (hearing his word), but the decision to ‘receive’ his blessing is our decision (keeping his word). His blessing is not something that he pours out on some and withholds from others–rather, his blessing is accessible to those who make the decision to receive it. 
I want to walk in the blessing of God! I want to position my heart in a way that God can bless–walking in His ways, keeping his word, and heeding his voice. I don’t want to just wistfully watch his blessing at work around me–but rather live each day fully submitted, fully committed, fully surrendered to the Lord of all. 
God, thank you for your blessing! Thank you for your word which guides me and transforms my heart. Help me to clearly hear your voice, clearly understand your word, and daily walk in ways that please you. 

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