Godly character isn’t defined by the one or two large and highly visible moments, but rather by the small, daily, consistent, seemingly insignificant decisions.

Daniel 6:4-5
“At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” 
These jealous and wicked men wanted to destroy Daniel and bring him down, but were unable to find any flaw in his character to exploit. Their only recourse was to intentionally create a point of conflict between societal expectations and Daniel’s faith.
The only weakness they could find was the immovable strength of his love for God. 
This world is full of opportunities to fail, to crash and burn. There seems to always be someone waiting to post an accusation or a misquote on social media, or drag someone’s name through the mud. God only knows how many Godly men have not passed the test, and who have been brought down by their own sinful actions.
Our enemy is watching for opportunities to kill, to destroy, to hinder what God is doing. I must be vigilant and lean on God, to live with the kind of character that can withstand the test. This kind of character isn’t defined by the one or two large and highly visible moments, but rather by the small, daily, consistent, seemingly insignificant decisions.
This week, I choose to keep my life and my walk so closely aligned with my savior, that the only flaw to be exploited would be the commitment I have to living life God’s way. 
God, thank you for the stories I find in your word of men like Daniel–men of character and consistency. Give me strength each day to live that kind of life as I walk with you–that the only point of weakness in my life, would be my unwillingness to compromise on what is right and Godly. 

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