As I share the good news about the Savior, I must do my part to exercise wisdom in how and when to share the message. I must look for moments when hearts are ready to hear the news, so that lives would be transformed.

Luke 2:10-11
“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” 
An amazing thing had happened–the Savior had been born! This fact should have caused great joy, and given great hope to everyone–but the shepherds continued on about their night like any other night.
The Savior was born…but no one had yet told them! The angel set the tone so that they were ready to hear the news, then shared the message which would change not only their lives, but the rest of mankind as well. 
Hope un-shared gives no hope at all. The Savior has come, and I have both the privilege and the awesome responsibility of sharing it with others. I cannot keep silent, the world needs to hear the news!
In sharing the news, the Angel had to first take a moment to make sure the shepherds were ready to hear what he had to tell them. He could have simply appeared in an overwhelming flash of light, thundered the announcement, and left–but the shepherds would have been left shaking with fear, unable to receive the life-transforming message!
As I share the good news about the Savior, I must do my part to exercise wisdom in how and when to share the message. I must look for moments when hearts are ready to hear the news, so that lives would be transformed. 
God, thank you for the Good News about the Savior who has come! Give me boldness and confidence this week to share your Good News with others, and wisdom to speak the right word at the right time–so that your transformation would be accomplished in the lives of those who hear it. 

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