God’s word doesn’t coddle me or reinforce my preconceived ideas-rather it reveals where I need to grow, and makes me uncomfortable enough to cause me to change.

1 Timothy 4:7
“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be Godly.” 
God is the God of truth, not the God of urban myth. His kingdom is built on the solid foundation of His word, not on legend and rumor. Paul instructed Timothy to ‘train yourself’, rather than coast along on the convenient shallows of groundless tall tales.
Our world is full of stories, rumors, legends, and myths. From chain letters, to endless email forwards, to social media reposts and tags…I can always find a story to support my opinion and viewpoint. But is it true? Maybe…maybe not. Who really knows?
God’s word doesn’t mirror my opinion. It’s not an echo chamber of opinions and voices that agree with me. Rather, God’s word challenges me to dig in and grow. It trains me to think critically and with intentionality, through the lens of God’s character. It doesn’t coddle me or reinforce my preconceived ideas-rather it reveals where I need to grow, and makes me uncomfortable enough to cause me to change. This week, I choose to welcome the discomfort of the training that God’s word brings.
God, thank you that your word is true. Thank you for bringing growth to my life, instead of simply reinforcing or affirming my own errant ideas. I choose to welcome your training in my life, and the growth that you bring! 

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