Although the world looks to many things to save them, there is still just one savior. Although people may place their hope in many things, there is still just one hope.

Ephesians 4:4-6
“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” 
Our world loves variety. 57 varieties of Heinz’ Ketchup, 31 flavors at Baskin Robbins, and 6 brands of toilet paper at the store to choose from. Paul is reminding us in this passage that while there is incredible variety within the Body of Christ, it is still just one Body. Although the world looks to many things to save them, there is still just one savior. Although people may place their hope in many things, there is still just one hope. 
Christ desires His body to be unified. One in heart, one in purpose, one in allegiance, to present to the world the one hope of salvation–Jesus. I must daily align my heart with this–not my own wants, desires, preferences and purposes–but rather the one calling, with one heart, part of one body, to present the one Savior. This must guide my words and reactions when differences and disagreements arise–because we are still one body. This must guide my priorities and decisions-because we are one in purpose.  
God, thank you for the certainty of knowing you as the hope of the world. Thank you for the solidity I find in you, in a world overwhelmed by differences, disagreements, and discord. Help me to always be an agent of unity in your Body, not a source of disunity. Help me to daily align with your heart and your purpose! 

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