We become a product of the relationships with which we surround ourselves.

Proverbs 22:24-25
“Do not make friends with a hot tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.” 
We become a product of the relationships with which we surround ourselves.
Want a better future? Choose your relationships carefully. 
Who am I surrounding myself with? No one is perfect, but who am I inviting as an influence in my life? Are they displaying the fruit of the spirit and walking closer to God each day…or something different? My future will probably look a lot like their present–so what future am I choosing?
This week I choose to pick my influences with care–and I choose to be the friend that draws others closer to the savior instead of driving them away. 
God, thank you for the wisdom I find in your word! Give me discernment in my relationships, to choose influences that will draw me closer to you.
Help me to display and cultivate the fruit of your spirit within me so that I would build up those around me, inspiring them to walk closer each day to you. 

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