I need to be ‘ok’ with imperfection–but not ‘ok’ with ignoring it. I need to continually course-correct my own heart back to God, so that I can point others continually back to him as well.
1 Chronicles 29:1
“And David the king said to all the assembly, “Solomon my son, whom alone God has chosen, is young and inexperienced, and the work is great, for the palace will not be for man but for the LORD God.” 
David knew his death was approaching, and was beginning to hand off the kingdom to his son Solomon, whom God had anointed to be king after David. Solomon was young, inexperienced, green, imperfect, and likely to make many mistakes–and yet he was exactly who God had called. David acknowledged all of the potential problems, but established Solomon on the throne with his blessing. David knew that God doesn’t require perfection, but a willingness to continually correct back to God. 
What an amazing story! Solomon had such huge shoes to fill–not because David was perfect, but because in his imperfection he had chosen to allow God to use him as God saw fit. I can only imagine as David spoke, that he was remembering himself as the young and inexperienced ruler that God had anointed to lead 70 years prior. David candidly acknowledged the obstacles that Solomon would face as the new king, and then rallied the influential leaders in the kingdom to support Solomon in the task before him–building the temple of God.
I’m grateful to the leaders that God has put in my life who have loved, mentored, and supported me as I grow in my calling. I want to have that same outlook on those that I influence! Not to ignore challenges, obstacles, or shortcomings–nor yet to sit back with arms crossed and a critical spirit to merely point out flaws–but with a heart to invest all of my ability and influence in developing those that God has called and anointed. I want to be the kind of leader that acknowledges imperfection instead of ignoring it–so that the kingdom can pull together in unity to see great things accomplished with God.
This week, I need to be ‘ok’ with imperfection–but not ‘ok’ with ignoring it. I need to continually course-correct my own heart back to God, so that I can point others continually back to him as well. 
God, thank you for loving me despite my own imperfection. Thank you for growing me, developing me, and putting leaders in my life who inspire me to reach higher and grow farther. Help me to cultivate that same growth in others–not a facade of perfection, but rather a deep and consistent change which daily brings each of us closer to you. 
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