I want to live with a Godly heart that remains steady. Not maintaining a careful facade for the sake of appearance, but rather deeply and genuinely cultivating a heart of Godly character.

2 Samuel 1:24
“Daughter of Israel, weep for Saul, who clothed you in scarlet and finery, who adorned your garments with ornaments of gold.” 
David’s heart is astounding. After all the years spend running from Saul, fearing for his life, enduring slander and attacks on his character, and yet never lifting his own hand against the anointed man of God–now Saul lies dead, and I would fully expect David to breathe a sigh of relief and begin the party for his own coronation. Instead, I see David still defending Saul. Still speaking well of Saul. Still singing songs about Saul’s renown as a great warrior. David doesn’t lie about Saul’s shortcomings, he simply chooses to remember and proclaim Saul’s strengths and victories. The humility and honor that David showed while Saul was still alive, is now shown and proven to be genuine after Saul is dead. 
I want a heart like David. I want to live with a heart of honor and humility, a heart of character which shines through when I have an opportunity to be raw and unfiltered. In the moments when people could excuse and justify me gloating or gossiping–I want to live with a Godly heart that remains steady even at those moments. Not maintaining a careful facade for the sake of appearance, but rather deeply and genuinely cultivating a heart of Godly character.
How do I do that? By daily spending time at the feet of Jesus, letting him change me and transform me. Not spending time with God “for others”, but spending time with God “for me”. 
God, thank you for the inspiration I find in your word–stories of imperfect men like David who consistently displayed a heart to honor you in every circumstance. Change my heart to be more like you, so that you would be glorified by what is revealed in me day by day. Help me to honor you in the way I honor others, even when I have every reason not to. Help me to speak well of others and look for the best in them, even when their worst is clearly on display. 

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